Long Island Soccer Referee Association
A non-profit organization whose focus is on soccer referee education and training.
Spring Season Starts: Mar. 8th
Announcement: Monthly Meeting will be held on March 13th @ 7:30 PM @ Copiague Firehouse
Membership Dues
The amount of annual dues has been reduced for the calendar year, 2025.
This was announced at our November meeting! Please see below.
LISRA Membership Dues are do. The dues are used to support the following:
- LISRA Staff that is always ready to answer your questions
- Referee Development and Education Programs
- This website and back office systems
- Scholarships for Members and their Families
- And more….
Please click the BUY NOW button.
If the payment is for a referee that is not the payee, please enter their name in “Instructions to merchant” on the payment page.
LISRA Members – $30
Critical Information
Referee Assault Procedure:
If you felt you were assualted during a match, you must follow this the procedure that is in the Referee Information below.
Upcoming Events
Monthly General Meeting:
March 13, 2024 7:30 PM
General Membership Meeting will be held at the Copiague Firehouse:
320 Great Neck Road
Copiague, NY 11726
See you there.
Next Board Meeting: March 10th at 6:30 PM
The Passing of Al Giorgianni
The LISRA Board regrets to inform the membership of the passing of Albert “Al” Giorgianni. Al passed this past Friday, December 6, 2024 after a brief bout of several heart and kidney conditions. Al was 78 years old. He leaves behind his wife Delores, son Anthony, daughter Danielle and two grandchildren.
Al was one of LISRA’s longest residing members. He was the longest serving member of the LISRA Executive Board having served as the rule’s liaison for the coach’s arbitration board, as well as chairman of the LISRA financial committee and the Contract and By-Laws committee. For many years, Al helped mentor officials by being the weekend, on-site coordinator at the Peter Collins soccer park and at HBC.
He was elected to a Lifetime membership in the Association in 2020.
He will be sorely missed by one and all.
- Viewing will be on Tuesday, 12/10 2-4 PM and 7-9 PM, at Commack Abbey, 96 Commack Road Commack, NY 11725
- Funeral service will be on Wednesday 12/11 at 10 AM, at Christ the King, 2 Indian Head Road, Commack, NY 11725
- Internment will be at the LI National Cemetery in East Farmingdale at 1:00 PM

The meeting was held on August 19, 2024
Please ignore the error message below. The video will play by clicking in the box.
The organization serves its USSF registered Soccer Referee members in professional soccer and community matters. LISRA has set high standards for its members and for itself, as it continues to provide the finest refereeing services in the nation. LISRA officials stress sportsmanship and instill a character-building value system among players and spectators as they adhere to the high standards of the USSF Code of Ethics for referees.
Through the years, LISRA has always focused on its original purpose…to service the needs of the youth of Long Island. It is in that context that LISRA has provided several important leaders in the officiating community, many of whom attained recognition at the local, state, national and international levels.
Referee Information
It’s time for us to begin the 2025 Referee Recertifying Process. Below are step by step instructions. Once completed, you will receive an email from US Soccer stating that a new license has been added to your profile in the U.S. Soccer Learning Center along with a PDF of your license. If you have any questions, please email [email protected]
You must do this only on a computer and NOT a phone.
1. Open a browser and go to https://learning.ussoccer.com/
2. Log into your account, if you forgot your password then follow the instructions to reset it.
3. Once logged on, click on the REFEREE PROGRAM button
4. From the top menu, click on the drop down courses and click on available courses.
5. From there, look to the left side and choose GRASSROOTS RECERTIFYING REFEREES
6.Click the RED button GO TO COURSE LIST
7. Make sure that the HOST is set to Eastern New York State Referee Committee
8. The 2024 Referee Recertification course should be listed and you can click on the link or the registration button.
9. You must register and submit payment information using a credit card.
The course should be $80
You may have to renew your safe sport videos if they are about to expire
You will do the 50 question test and have to get 50 questions correct to pass.
If you need to stop in the middle of taking the test, make sure you click the SAVE button otherwise you will have to do it again.
There will be a live field session soon where you must register to show up and watch a presentation by ENY where you will be handed your 2025 badge.
We would suggest to complete this as soon as you can during the down time before the learning center is overwhelm with multiple sessions.
The following is the procedure that MUST be followed in the event of an assault on a referee:
- If the game is in progress, the referee IMMEDIATELY terminates the contest. Under NO circumstances is the game to be completed.
- If a person with a pass (coach/player/trainer) was involved, and the referee can safely do so, display the red card. Again, if safety permits, after retaining the offender(s) card(s), the referee may return the others unless local rules require the referee to retain all passes (using an intermediary is a good method to avoid any further problems). However, even if the referee cannot display the red card or retain the passes, a Supplemental Game Report still is to be submitted detailing the assault and the misconduct (dismissal/send off).
- If contact was of a nature that a crime was possibly committed (physical assault i.e. being struck, bumped, pushed, or spat on), the referee is to contact local law enforcement immediately and fill out a formal complaint at the venue. This way, any witnesses who can support the referee’s story will be on record with the police as well.
- As soon as possible (preferably the same day) the referee is to contact the president of your local referee association, the SRA (Joe Brosi) Email:[email protected], and the SYRA (Cheyrl Aronson Email:[email protected]).
- Fill out a USSF Referee Game and Supplemental Report and submit to the proper State governing body (ENYYSA, ENYSASA) for the match. Be clear and complete, but calm and unemotional. Make NO recommendations or suggestions as to what you feel should be done. Simply state the facts. Be sure to send copies to all three individuals in step listed in Step 4.
- Await contact by either by the SRA or State office about further proceedings. Be sure to proceed with any charges with local law enforcement.
Please note that these are ENY State Requirements and must be followed!!
Becoming a Grassroots Referee
A referee’s journey begins at the Grassroots level. U.S. Soccer Grassroots Referees are qualified to officiate competitive, small-sided or recreational youth matches and amateur adult matches.
LISRA Programs
Big Brother/Sister
Big Brothers and Sisters is program where experienced referees are paired with new referees to help them with their game management and mechanics.
LISRA awards scholarships to a few students every year. The student or their parents must be a member of LISRA to qualify.
Training Camps
Between seasons, LISRA will be providing training camps to work on physical conditioning and game mechanics.
Laws of the Game Review
The Laws of the Game are always changing and some require interpretation. This review is a monthly video conference to review the proposed and latest changes to the Laws of the Game.
Video Training
Video of game situations are put together to allow members to sharpen their skills.
Personal Training
Physical conditioning is very important in managing soccer games. To that end, LISRA is putting together weekly workouts to help referees get and stay in shape.